
We have a wide range of posters available from A0 posters to waterproof posters. We print your poster designs on high quality silk paper for a glare free finish or waterproof pvc for outside use. All our posters are printed in the UK by our expert print team.

Posters options available

Most popular

Luxury posters, Value posters, Custom posters

Posters sizes

A0 (841mm x 1189 mm), A1 (594mm x 841 mm), A2 (420mm x 594 mm), A3 (297mm x 420 mm), Custom

Posters finishes

Encapsulation, Lamination, Mounted, Zund cutting, Eyelets, Matt, Gloss

Paper types

170gsm, 250gsm, Waterproof, Photo

Delivery you can count on

Same day

For orders made by 10:00 GMT Monday-Friday your order will be delivered on the same day.

Next day

Order by 15:00 GMT and your order will be at your door the very next day, with pre-noon delivery available.

Value delivery

Order by 18:00 GMT and we'll deliver your order within 2 - 4 working days.

Ordering with Inteeka

100% Guarantee

All of your purchases are covered by our Inteeka 100% Guarantee. If you're not happy with our products we guarantee that we'll put it right for you.

Order securely with us

Inteeka uses the latest secure technologies to keep your data safe so you can have peace of mind when placing an order with us.

Take your next step with confidence.

Get in touch with a member of the team to discuss your requirements and learn how we can help you. Contact us now